Melissa Henna Goddess

When Melissa asked me to henna and photograph her during her pregnancy I might have literally squealed. She is one of the nicest and most beautiful people I know and she was absolutely radiating this entire session, like usual! We chose a local resort to take the first session of images for a more urban type feel before venturing off into an abandoned desert lot in Paradise Valley for the more secluded feel. I’m including probably too many images here, but I wanted to show the wide variety and versatility a henna goddess session offers especially during pregnancy. We hit up two diverse locations and did three outfit changes and had time to drive all within an hour. I also utilized a few of my favorite techniques like copper pipes, mirrors, and sun flares.I pride myself on over shooting meaning you have lots of amazing images to choose from after I’ve thinned them to the best possible images, AND you have the opportunity for more variety between locations and wardrobes.