Portrait Project; Lorna - A Girl and Her Guitar

The point of my Portrait Project is to capture people who they are, as they are, without too much curating and over planning. When Lorna signed up for the project, we discussed location options and she settled on a beautiful cottage space in downtown phoenix with bright orange couch and brought her guitar. This whole session lasted maybe 15 minutes and we got her playing a full song on her guitar, poses inside and outside along with a quick oracle card reading. if you’re interested in signing up, click the book now button below and join me on this Portrait Project.

“Strawberry lemonade mix of us,
You can be yourself
I can be myself
Strawberry lemonade
I want to chill with you,
Acknowledge your self worth
Strawberry lemonade of your self love maintain your self care
Strawberry lemonade befriend your self-esteem
Strawberry lemonade be you, do you
Ignore what society says
Strawberry lemonade”

-Eddie The Cool Ed Dec 2018. Strawberry Lemonade.

woman eating strawberry in front of vines by Phoenix Portrait Photographer Jennifer Lind Schutsky
Jennifer Lind Schutsky