From Ordinary to Extraordinary: Transforming Everyday People into Icons; The #PortraitProject Summer 2023

I wanted to document as many people as I could this summer, stay busy, make art. I knew, in order to do that, I’d have to extend myself out to my community for a community offering. Allowing people the opportunity to stand in fron t of my camera without any excuses or reservations. So I launched the #portraitproject an attempt at one portrait a day. I am still actively accepting new portrait participants, however it does come with a small fee to cover time and travel for this lightning speed quick portrait sessions. Here’s a peek at a few of my first participants…

young woman stands in front of a pond at sunset with light shimmering between her legs for the #portraitproject by Creative Phoenix Photographer; Jennifer Lind Schutsky

Through my #portraitproject, I aim to capture the essence of everyday individuals and transform them into captivating icons. By extending myself to the community, I have been able to create remarkable art and provide people with the opportunity to step into the spotlight. Join me on this journey as we explore the power of creative concepts in elevating subjects into mesmerizing symbols of beauty and personality.

the #portraitproject is allowing me to showcase the potential within ordinary individuals and celebrate their unique beauty and personality. By embracing creative concepts and capturing their essence, we have the power to transform ordinary people into extraordinary icons. I invite you to join me on this journey and discover the true impact of personal transformation. Step into the spotlight and let your true self shine!