New Moon December 2019

New Moon. New Year. 

Past - Page of Cups - corresponds to Venus inner self, strength, new beginnings, sensitivity. Obsidian pyramid cosmic shield against negativity. Boundaries. Or if we have been hurt our self protection is our of balance. I house what is sacred inside myself and give it only to those who deserve it. 

Present - Queen of Wands - corresponds to pieces and Aries. having a vision, passion, direction balance, frustration, tolerance. Trying to figure out the balancing act. Find guidance in your dreams and be humble. Bitterness is not the course. Might be wise to feel through the sadness and frustration. I excuse patience and love even when it’s difficult. 

Future - Five of Wands - corresponds Saturn in Leo. Breaking free, pushing limits, restlessness, changing norms, renewal, dynamism. Ripple effect of our actions. Rules and limits are no good and do not apply anymore. Make new shapes. Saturn is taskmaster and ruler of karma. These actions are not without consequences but for the present moment breaking free feeds our soul and worth the risk. 5 destroyer of stability and harmony of 4 push limits destroy obstacles and boundaries. I am a rule breaker a legand maker but not at the expense of others pain or suffering. 

Emotional - Five of Pentacles - corresponds with mercury in Taurus. worry, change, disruption, Illness, crisis. How we internalize messages from others. Usually worried about health, career or home anything we relay on for physical security. 5. More change and chaos. Feel need to push on despite limitations. But careful not to push too far too fast. Fear and stress produce more cortisol only inflaming physical health limitations. Where is the fear coming from and how can we manage it?

Ritual - Root Chakra - Boundaries. Grounding. Nourishments. The entry of the universe flows through me. 

Where are you seeking nourishment and safety? 

Meditation sit cris cross allowing the earth to connect with your root chakra. Hold onyx, hematite ,or obsidian in each hand. If you don't have these stones simply visualize a black ball in each hand absorbing any negativity around you or in your body. Imagine your root chakra base of spine glowing red with each inhale / exhale. Roots growing from your spine into the earth. Imagine soaking up nourishments and wisdom from the roots deepening into the earth. when complete set stones out to charge in the darkness of the night or the black balls dissolving into nothingness and floating away, transformed as kindness drifting away.

Corresponds to dark moon, Capricorn, earth, Taurus, Virgo.