High Priestess

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The High Priestess Card is one of my favorite cards. To me it’s about women stepping into their power and ruling over themselves and their supreme sovereignty.

She stands betwixt black and white pillars each symbolizing the extremes. Life is rarely black and white. Usually we land somewhere in the gray. However you can interpret these as duality in life as well. So masculine and feminine. Or dark and light literally. Conscious and subconscious. These pillars are the foundation of the Tempe she resides in. In the WRS deck she holds a scroll of TORA symbolizing a greater rule of law as she is the divine feminine ruler. Both decks I work with frequently have the crescent moon pictured which is symbolic of the feminine cycles and all the wisdom that comes with our experiences as womxn. In the middle card we see the full moon and yet the symbolism is strong there too with cycles. Her horned hat carries the crescent shape to tie it all together for us. The more we know the less we know. Who symbolizes this archetype to you? For me, one major artist, Georgia O’keeffe, represents this awareness of duality with her work focusing on liveliness through death. Her visual representation of the feminine in macro focus of flowers and masculine in buildings just clearly illustrates that duality and sacred knowledge grated to the observer.

Rituals can include; Blue Lotus, meditation, free writing journaling, medicinal plant medicine and time alone in nature.