New Moon October 2019

What collective truth can I share with you all this full moon? That’s the question I has as I shuffled these cards on my kitchen table last night. The cards that called to me are pictured above. To be honest, I was a bit confused of the message as I first looked at these cards. But upon further reflection I realized that’s sort of the point. With Scorpio it’s always dark and moody, with a hint of resentment or even a grudge.

The Devil card here often symbolizes humanity and temptation. It’s important to remember in tarot the devil card doesn’t have the same negative connotations held within the Christian faith. This card often represents going the distance, or taking uncompromising risks, appreciating the joy and pleasure, going our own way. You can also visualize the radical thinkers and makers of history, they are represented here. This card represents someone unapologetically venturing off on their own and afraid of the unknown willing to overturn all stones and go to the dark passages in the underworld to find their own way. Or for those of you who know me, learning the hard way all by myself. We do this all in an effort to seek truth and knowledge, it’s worth the risk and fear. As far as shadow aspects of this card, one issue or concern can be when we go further then we can be more misunderstood and those around us may not understand our need for exploration, thus further isolating ourselves. If we receive this card we’re being asked to stay the true course. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by those who would rather see us remain in their comfort zone for their sake. If we know our purpose we must fulfill it no matter what! If we focus, we can find the fun and excitement in the risks as we take on in this journey. Mantra: I serve no master except for myself.

Ten of Cups represents completion, wholeness, nurturing, giving, and fruitful. The journey to completion looks different for each of us. And feels different for each of us, especially when we compare ourselves to others, r u d e. social media. When we receive this card, we can be either at the end of a cycle or beginning of a new venture, but a sense of fullness is with us and all encompassing. We are reminded to look for the sensation of love and openness. When feeling overwhelmed or maybe lacking for better terms turn to generosity and give to others. When we are fulfilled, we host the sort of happiness and joy that makes us want to hug strangers, and light candles on alters of abundance. (a perfect card to pull on Diwali if you celebrate). Mantra: is my wholeness shared by many.

Eight of cups symbolize the experience or journey as fleeting, or momentary, this card symbolizes our searching, maybe even just a glimpse or wishful. When I see it I turn towards sensations of futility or depression. Visually, on this card; in the middle of desert, there voids are upon voids and upon each void stands a woman. She (multiple) looks back at us longingly, begging for guidance, or support. As if saying, ‘please help us, we don’t know how to be helped.’ If you feel stagnant or lost in yourself. know this card is a request to wait it out. The story behind this imagery shows that debauchery has led us astray, the pleasure we long for is inside of the excess has now lead to emptiness. We are now searching for something to replace the dark feelings and we can’t find it. Only a sense of utility takes over and frustration. We feel even worse than before, even though we know that the most productive thing to do would to be pull up ourselves up by our bootstraps and get on with things. And yet, but we can’t. The fleeting glimpses of joy are swallowed up by the waves of exhaustion and despair. We want to be helped but our sadness is so great that we don’t even know where to begin. And seriously, if left unattended or unassisted this manner of being can lead to severe depression and suicidal ideas. Please know if you’re experiencing these thoughts there is help available (right here!). And please remember no feeling is final. This is not the last feeling we will feel if only we can choose to endure until the other feelings arrive on at your feet because we must choose to fight for the light. Mantra: I will let everything happen to me and I will keep going no matter what.

Upon further interpretation my final assessment is, we all have our own path and we might be viewed as crazy to choose that path but we need to find our own version of completeness or we will go crazy and be in a dark unhealthy place. So what do we do with this information? Reflect obviously, remember the tarot is nothing but a mirror. The most brutally honest mirror we have access to, reflection our inner thoughts and desires.

  • Where are we being tempted? Is this a healthy temptation?

  • Are we hunting for truth or knowledge? Is our search though the underworld worth it?

  • Are we staying the course for others or ourselves?

  • Where can you find the joy in your journey?

  • What is your exit plan from the things trapping you?

  • Where do we find fulfillment and are we making time and space for it in our lives?

  • Are we asking for help when we need it?

  • Who are we asking for help from? How are we showing our appreciation and generosity to those who help us?

    & When all else fails, make art, your interpretation and message will come through and you’ll see a deeper meaning in your readings and rituals.

The above information is summarized and rephrased in my own words from the guide book included with this deck.